What is the Microbiome?

What is the Microbiome? Introduction The word "microbiome" was first used in the early 2000s, but it wasn't until recently that scientists and doctors began to understand the important role these microbes play in our health. The microbiome is the army of microbes — bacteria, fungi, and viruses — that live on and inside your body. The majority of your microbes live in your gut. There are ten times more bacterial cells in your close-knit community than there are human cells in your body — even though each individual bacterium is much smaller than a human cell. Your microbiome changes...

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Safe holiday travels, America!

On Nov. 25, over 1 million travelers were screened passing through American airports — more than any other day since March of this year. Indeed, despite (or perhaps in spite) of the ongoing pandemic, Thanksgiving brought a travel surge henceforth unseen in 2020 as Americans headed home or to visit loved ones in droves.As Christmas, Hanukkah, and the winter holiday season approach, curfews, travel restrictions, and lockdowns — both at home and abroad — are being debated and implemented by governments and health officials who warn that this holiday travel season will be the riskiest in living memory. Los Angeles County health...

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Your Gut and Glutamine

All people endure health issues within their daily livelihoods, but struggle to find the most efficient way to recover. Gut health, one of the many issues that affects almost everyone, is one of the most important parts of our health that we should keep in mind when encountering any illness. Searching for the proper probiotic supplements can leave a person flustered and confused. Despite the ever expanding and growing market for probiotics, a L-Glutamine supplement has always and continues to be the best way to treat and boost one’s gut health. This is why each of Nouri's Inner Immune packets include...

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probiotics vs. prebiotics

You’ve heard all about probiotics. Probiotics are the living bacteria in your gut that have been shown to provide a health benefit like supporting your immune system, aiding in digestive health, supporting a healthy metabolism and potentially a number of others. 
But here's what you may not know...

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what are probiotics?

Probiotics are connected to a plethora of health benefits, but what are they and what do they actually do?

In this article, we’ll answer that question along with why they’re so important.


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how to improve digestion

The bacteria in our guts can break down food the body can't digest, produce important nutrients, regulate the immune system, and protect against harmful germs.

And while we can't control all the factors that go into maintaining a healthy gut microbiome, we can manipulate the balance of our microbes by paying attention to what we eat. Shilpa Ravella shares the best foods for a healthy gut.

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